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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Justice and Charity

Fr Alan explained to us the meaning of Christian justice.

Fr Alan said, "If you have two coats, then one of the coats belongs to the poor." 

According to Fr Alan, this is justice, not charity. This must be music to Pope Francis' ears.

I think Fr Alan was teaching us not to over consume.  

Pope Francis teaches us that over consumption leads to environmental damage.

Fr Alan said, "When we give money away to the poor, it could be justice and not charity."

Heavenly Father, teach us not to have too many coats, too many shoes, and teach us not to over consume. Teach us to give away our excess to others who have less than us. Amen. 

The Word of God is like a laser beam

Krzysztof remembers Fr Alan's teachings part II

Krzysztof, while in Kraków for a family visit, remembers Fr Alan's teachings. 

Krzysztof wrote, "... The Word is a light. Not a wide beam - It is very focused, perhaps like a laser. Pointing at something very concrete in your life. Will you let it show you what needs to come into the light? Out of darkness ..."

This is a more poignant way of saying the Word is a mirror which shows us our sins, which Fr Alan used to say in the early 1990s. 

Heavenly Father, let your Word shine on me like a laser beam, to dispel the darkness in my life, so I can walk towards you and your Son Jesus Christ and arrive safely in heaven at the end of time. Amen. 

Addendum: My friend, Carrie, who checks over my posts wrote after reading this posting: "Yes, as piercing as laser light . . .  and sharper than a double-edged sword!" - I leave you to draw your own conclusions! 

Prodigal son

This coming Sunday's Gospel reading will be about the prodigal son. Fr Alan said, "It should be the Prodigal Sons!"

He said the older son's heart was full of wanting to do all those bad things but he did not have the guts to do them. He said if such a man were to be appointed as parish priest to St Charles, Ogle Street, we should pray for him to go to Spanish Place instead and that made us all laugh during his sermon.

I now understand the meaning of Fr Alan's sermon about the older brother. The older brother is a highly moralistic person and, as Christians, we are not called to be moralistic but always to make excuses for others and to forgive others.

Fr Alan told us to look at Rembrandt's picture of the Prodigal Son and he said the father represented God the Father. If you were to look at the painting carefully, you would notice one of the hands is feminine and the other masculine -  showing us the two natures of God.

In the Gospel reading from Luke, the father looking out for the lost son represents God the Father looking out for us when we have sinned and turned away from Him.

The younger son represents us, who have sinned against God the Father.

When the son came home, the father asked his servants to put a ring on the son's hand - and this showed that the father had allowed the son to have authority again.

Putting sandals on the son's feet is a symbol that his son is not a servant or a slave.

This Sunday's [24th Week of OT] readings are all about mercy - Fr Alan's favourite topic. 

In the first reading, God relented after the people had apostasised. The second reading is about God's inexhaustible patience and how God has forgiven St Paul, who was a blasphemer who attacked the early Christians. The Gospel is about God looking for the lost sheep, the woman looking for the lost coin, and the father looking for his lost son.

Almighty God, thank you so much for your inexhaustible mercy which you have for us. Teach us to walk to you with the people whom you have put in front of us and always being forgiving towards the people around us, like the way you are always merciful towards us. And Heavenly Father, when we fall, give us the grace to stand up again and walk towards you, like the prodigal son. Amen. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Grateful Heart

Janet wrote to me to inform me what Fr Alan had said.

She wrote Fr Alan said:

"Close your book of complaints!"


"Have a grateful heart!"

A grateful heart is a thankful heart. 

Do you actually say thank you to God for the wonderful things God has done for you during the day?
Do you say thank you to the people around you who have done favours or jobs for you?
Do you do things for others as a way of showing your gratitude towards them?

OR do you think everybody should be doing things for you and being grateful towards you?

Almighty God, please give us grateful hearts so we can express our sincere thanks to you for the wonders you have done for us everyday of our lives. Amen.

Not seeing clearly

When we first start turning to God, we would not see the errors of our ways very clearly, according to Fr Alan. Fr Alan compared this with a dirty window, hindering sunlight from beaming into a room, and people in the room would not see how dusty the room is.

However, over time, the window becomes cleaner, and lets more light into the room, thus allowing people to see the dustiness of the room.

Similarly, as we get closer to Jesus, we can see our sins more clearly and this does not mean we have got worse.

I was reminded of this, when I read the second long reading by Pope St Leo the Great this morning, in which the saint was writing about one’s eye filled with dirt and unable to see the brightness of the true light.

This means when we grow in faith and able to see our sins, this does not mean we are getting worse and we should not be too scandalised, according to Fr Alan.

Heavenly Father! Thank you for being so kind and patient with us and showing us our sins slowly. Give us the grace to sin no more. Amen.

Saturday, 3 September 2016


This is the Year of Mercy and I must let you know what Fr Alan said about heaven.

When we reach the pearly gates of heaven, do you know what question will be asked of us?

Fr Alan said, there would be only ONE question: "How did you love?"

In the Gospel on the 22nd Sunday of OT [last Sunday's Gospel] Jesus asked us to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind to our party as they cannot repay back our hospitality.  So we are invited to be generous with what we have. This is a form of love.

This Sunday's Gospel [23rd Sunday], Jesus asks us to give up ALL our possessions.  "To give up" is similar to being free with our possessions and we are therefore able to share with others what have been given to us. This is also a form of love.

So, from these Gospel readings, we could see one way to love is to be generous to others by sharing with others what we have and to give without expecting anything back in return. 

If in front of these, you are bankrupt, because you are unable to give or share what God has given you, then do not worry because only God can make a miracle and help us to go beyond ourselves and be generous to others.

We have to be generous to God, to others and ourselves.  

Pope Francis is now wanting to make care of the environment as one of the acts of mercy, and therefore we have to love our environment too and of course we have to be like St Francis and love ALL of God's creatures.

Almighty Father, we know you love us very much. Please give us your Holy Spirit so we can love You, love others, love our mother earth, love the Church, love ourselves and most importantly love the least of all your creatures. Amen. 


What did Fr Alan say about alleluia?

What does alleluia mean?

Fr Alan said, 

"Alleluia means praise the Lord! - Praise Yahweh!

He also said, "Alleluia is an imperative word."

Examples of imperative statements include:

Stand up straight.
Sit still.

Sure enough we are not saying alleluia to God.  Fr Alan said we would say alleluia to the person sitting or standing besides us, instructing them to praise God.

Fr Alan also said the alleluia before the Gospel, in the celebration of a Mass, should always be sung and not said. If nobody could sing the alleluia, then this should be omitted. 

Let us ask God to help us to become alleluia people, praising God always, with our lips, with our hearts, in our actions, in front of other people. 

Alleluia! Praise the Lord! Amen!


Some of us think, we make all the effort when we go to Holy Mass. Not so, according to Fr Alan.

Fr Alan said:

"God always takes the initiative."
"God invites us to Mass."

So for those of you who have difficulties going to Holy Mass, turn to God and ask him to invite you to Mass.

Fr Alan also asked us to come to Mass with a huge heart, bringing lots of people with us to Mass in our hearts. He said, "I hope the church is very crowded with lots of people in your hearts!"

Like as if St Charles was not crowded enough with real people standing to the back of the church, including the foyer, and sometimes overflowing to the streets.

Almighty Father, I pray when I go to Holy Mass, I am very generous, and bring lots and lots of people in my heart, so we all can look at you, your Son, Jesus Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Heavenly Father, another request, if I could be so impertinent, please please invite me to Holy Mass everyday, so I could learn to adore you, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 


Novena Prayers

I have learnt how to say the Novena to the Holy Spirit from Fr Alan. We used to say this prayer after Mass together from after Ascension Thursday to Pentecost.

This Novena is a nine day prayer to the Holy Spirit, mimicking Our Lady, the other ladies who were followers of Jesus, the apostles and others, praying in the Upper Room, after Jesus had ascended into Heaven, until Pentecost.

Fr Alan said, "The Novena to the Holy Spirit is THE Novena of the Church and this is the official Church's novena."  Fr Alan said, "People would say all sorts of novena, including perpetual novenas, whatever that means, but never say THE Novena to the Holy Spirit."

One could say a Novena to the Holy Spirit not only after Ascension Thursday to Pentecost, but before a job, a new beginning or when one feels one does not want to be a dysfunctional Christian anymore. 

Why do I say the Novena to the Holy Spirit? 

This is because Fr Alan has explained that Christians who do not have the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are dysfunctional Christians. I pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit asking God to fill me with the Spirit of God and give me the gifts of the Holy Spirit in great abundance. 

Novena to the Holy Spirit

After Mass Fr Alan would say with us Veni Sancte Spiritus [which is also known as the Golden Sequence] or Veni Creator Spiritus [Come Creator Spirit]. EWTN has a very complicated novena, which you can peruse at your leisure. 

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Come, Holy Spirit send us a ray of your light.
Come, you father of the poor.
Come, you light of the heart.
Come, you giver of all gifts.
Come, you who are the greatest of all helpers.
You are the most beloved guest of the soul.
The most precious comforter.
In the midst of our weariness, you bring relief.
In the midst of our sufferings, you bring consolation.
O immortal light, come into our hearts.
For without your grace there is nothing good in us.
Purify all that is unclean in us.
Water everything which is dry.
Heal all our wounds.
Bend what is rigid.
Warm what is cold.
Bring order to all that is devious in us.
Give us your faithful ones your holy gifts.
Give strength and love.
Grant us a holy death
and grant us joy which will never end.

If you wish to peruse another translation, please do so. 

Veni Creator Spiritus

Come, O Creator Spirit, visit our minds,
fill with your love the hearts you have created.
O wonderful counselor,
gift of the Most High Father,
Living Water! Fire! Love!
Holy Chrism of the soul!
Finger of the Hand of God,
promised of the Saviour,
pour out your seven gifts,
make the Word be born in us.
Light of the intellect,
Living flame in our hearts,
Heal our wounds with the ointment of your love.
Defend us from the enemy,
bring peace as your gift.
All-powerful Guide, may you save us from all evil.
Light of eternal wisdom,
reveal to us the great mystery
of God the Father and the Son,
united in one single love.

There is another translation which you may wish to peruse at your leisure. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Bless God

Fr Alan told us we had to bless God.

Have you blessed God today?

How do we go about blessing God?

Fr Alan told us to bless God was to speak well of God.

Have you spoken well of God today?

To bless God or to speak well of God is also to praise God. We, Christians, are called to praise God, always, by telling others the wonders, the miracles which God has done in our lives. 

God has done a marvelous thing for me by putting Fr Alan in front of me, so I could have a teacher who could teach me to understand my Catholic faith. This has done wonders for me.

Thank you Heavenly Father for this gift. It is much appreciated. 

Fr Alan's Grave

Iwona P sent me this picture today. 
Thanks Iwona!

St Anthony of Padua

Saying the Office this morning reminded me of what Fr Alan had said about St Anthony of Padua when I read the second long reading. 

Fr Alan told us a story of St Anthony of Padua when he was preaching to the Pope. On that day when St Anthony was preaching to the Pope, he was referring to the passage from the Acts of the Apostles [3: 6]. St Anthony said when Ss Peter and John were going to the Temple for prayers in the afternoon, they met a crippled man by the entrance who was begging. Peter said to the man, "Silver and gold I have none; but what I have, I give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!"  Peter took the hand of the man and helped him to stand up and instantly his feet and ankles became firm, he jumped up, stood and began to walk, went to the Temple praising God.

St Anthony turned to the Pope and said, "Gold and silver you have plenty, but can you get a cripple to walk?"

I love St Anthony and I like his directness.

Fr Alan came to me and asked me to clean St Anthony of Padua's statue at St Charles' church, one Holy Saturday. Fr Alan said as I have a devotion to St Anthony, I should clean his statue.

Unfortunately St Anthony's statue is left outside to weather the elements today at St Charles. I heard about it and saw the statue recently when I was out looking for Borromeo, the cat. 

St Charles church's full name is the parish church of St Charles Borromeo!

I have a friend who has a cat and the cat is registered as Borromeo but is normally called by a nick name, Bobo. He went missing for over eight days. 

My friend and I prayed to St Anthony and she found the cat within 24 hours. 

Thank you St Anthony for finding Borromeo and please pray for us! 

[I now call Borromeo, Ah'Hog 阿福 meaning fortunate one, because he was lost for eight days, and was found!]

St Francis of Assisi

St Charles Borromeo parish church was consecrated on the feast of St Francis of Assisi, 4th October, and when I went to St Charles, Ogle Street for Mass on the feast day of St Francis, hoping to celebrate St Francis' feast day, Fr Alan would celebrate a different Mass. 

However, Fr Alan had much to say about our dear saint Francis. 

As you know, our nation has slowly been dechristianized and in our last census, only about fifty percent of the population acknowledged they were Christians.

Fr Alan said, "We need another St Francis in Europe!"

Why did Fr Alan say this? I suppose such a person would show us the face of Jesus. Perhaps we are seeing this in Pope Francis.

Fr Alan told us a story about St Francis and money. One day, St Francis and his brothers were out walking about and one of his brothers found some money. They were so excited and took the money to St Francis and informed him of their finding the money. 

St Francis was so upset because he knew money was dirty. At that very moment, there was a donkey on the street and the donkey had just made a poo. St Francis asked his brother to eat the poo and told his brother that money was as dirty as the poo of a donkey.

Fr Alan then asked us what we would have done if we were to walk out of St Charles and find a twenty pound note on the ground. Would we be fighting with our conscience if we should keep the money or take it to the nearest police station? What would you do if you were to find a twenty pound note?

Fr Alan said if we were to have a five pound note, the note could have been used to pay a prostitute the week before OR it could have been used to feed the poor. 

My friend Carrie thinks St Francis is the closest saint to Jesus and she often shares with me how St Francis has inspired her in living a simple life.  

Carrie and I first went to St Charles together in the early 1990s. We even went to Fr Alan for confession together, but not at the same time. Fr Alan asked me which parish I came from and when I told him my parish, he told me to go back to my parish. I am glad I stayed on at St Charles and heard Fr Alan's sermons. 

Almighty God, please give us your Spirit so we can love mother earth and all your creatures. Help us to protect our environment and appreciate what you have given us.  Help us to be like St Francis, living a simple life and have a disdain for money. Amen. 

Bishop Grzegorz Ryś - Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kraków

Iwona B shared the information for this post with me.

An Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kraków, 
Bishop Grzegorz Ryś. has said:

"... I would like to say I have fallen in love with the Bible."    

Since when? 

"I think, since I met a man who could explain the Bible. I met him for the first time, two or three years after my ordination. This meeting turned everything upside down for me.  After my ordination I was convinced I knew what it meant to preach, that I knew how to do it and so on. I met this priest in England, in London in a parish. This Parish Priest, who preached the Word in such a way, that ever since, I have never met anyone who could break the Word in this way.   After I have met such a person, I cannot stop myself from reading Scripture."

Iwona wrote to me and assured me that she knew the Parish Priest in London was Fr Alan. 

Fr Alan had such an impact on so many people, including priests.

I bless God for giving all of us Fr Alan Fudge. 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Krzysztof remembers Fr Alan's teachings

Krzysztof has written to me today and shared what he has remembered about Fr Alan's teachings. 

"The Church is a hospital and Jesus is the physician, taking care of our wounds."

I remember this vividly. I remember Fr Alan saying, "There are lots of sick people in this church and the Church is a hospital."  Fr Alan taught us how the Word of God and the sacraments could heal our wounds and illnesses.

May God heal each of us from our illnesses, our psychological problems, our wounds and make us whole again. Amen.

"We all look for love and those who are not here [as in a church] look for it in the wrong places such as in drugs, sex, money or power. These people are not evil! No, they have been misled!"

I also remember Fr Alan telling us about some people suffering from affectivity problems, referring in particular to bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa and over eating.

Fr Alan said, people who have not experienced love could show some of these affectivity problems. 

However, God loves us most dearly, and I feel so sad that some people have not experienced this love and are looking for love in the wrong places.

Almighty and living God, thank you for your love you have for each of us. I pray you will show people who have been misled, your huge amount of love for them and find somewhere in which they can come home to the mother Church and be healed of their illnesses and problems. Amen.

"We are no better than others. No! We all fall - [as in sinning]. We just have to experience meeting Jesus in our lives."

"How do we love the unloveable, forget the unforgettable, forgive the unforgivable?"  Fr Alan taught us, "Grace preseeds duty. It is grace from God which can change our hearts!"

What can I say, Krzysztof?  It is pure Fr Alan.  Krzysztof - Thank you so much for your contributions. It is much appreciated and the above will help many people. 

Infantile Faith

I remember long time ago, there were lots of people in St Charles, Ogle Street sitting in pews - [yes, pews - not chairs!] and Fr Alan was giving a sermon. Fr Alan said, "You people sitting there are all dressed in your First Holy Communion outfits!"

What did Fr Alan mean by this? Fr Alan was explaining to us that we had infantile faith and we had made no or little progress since our First Holy Communion where our faith was concerned. 

Is this possible? 

Do you put ALL your trust in God? 
OR Do you pray to God so that God does your will?
Do you sit there in silence adoring God or do you prefer to chat to God and do not allow God to talk to you?
Is your Catholic religion all about doing things or do you sit there and let God do it all for you?
Do you find you need God more and more as you grow older or do you feel you need God less and less as you grow?

Many of us have infantile faith and there is nothing to be ashamed of and God loves us all the same. 

Almighty Father - help us to grow in faith, relying totally on you, believing everything which comes from you is good. Teach us to just sit there in silence, admiring you, adoring you and your son Jesus and be filled with your Holy Spirit. Amen. 

World Day of Prayer for Creation

It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and by ourselves not to saddle you with any burden beyond these essentials:  you are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from fornication. Avoid these, and you will do what is right. Farewell.

Acts of the Apostles 15: 28 - 29 

On the sixth Sunday of Easter [Year C], we would hear this reading proclaimed from the ambo. 

[The ambo used to be called the lectern and this word was changed together with the introduction of the new Missal.]

AND you may say these, especially the first three essentials, do not apply to me.  Fr Alan said, "The Church does not put any Word in front of us which has nothing to do with us."

Fr Alan said in the early Church, they had all sorts of disagreement and argument, including whether Christians should be circumcised. They had a dialogue and agreed on the above four essentials.

However, Fr Alan said, "We should understand the situation in the primitive Church." Most of the early converts were surrounded by a sea of pagans and people who practise other religions. These people would take animals to their temples and make sacrifices and the meat of the animal was supposed to be burnt as pagan sacrifices. However, there were unscrupulous people who would take the meat to the market to sell.

Thus abstaining from food sacrificed to idols means to keep our hands clean with money, according to Fr Alan. So we have to earn and spend our money honestly and Fr Alan has said, "Christians pay their taxes."

I have posted something already in which I reported Fr Alan not wanting dirty money at St Charles, Ogle Street.  Fr Alan said, "They are more people in hell because of money than because of sex. Money is more dangerous than sex." Fr Alan said, "We are so mesmerised by money."

Do not touch blood and this means we must not fiddle with life. For the Jewish people, blood means life. 

Fr Alan said, "Do not touch life." This would include our not having anything to do euthanasia, manipulation of genes, cloning, IVF, abortion and many other modern biotechnological advances which manipulates God's creation, including genetically modified food. Fr Alan said if we were to touch life, we would not know where we would end up. 

Regarding strangled animals: During the time of the early Church, the Jews killed animals using kosher means and the people outside the Jewish faith killed their animals inhumanely, such as strangling animals. 

Fr Alan said, "Not eating strangled animals means we have to respect all of God's creation (including little animals) and today we have "raped" the earth." This is very pertinent to us today, Pope Francis has called for today to be the World Day of Prayer for Creation. We have abused mother earth with our excessive consumption, waste, disregard for the environment and it is time for us to pray about it and perhaps God can change our hearts and make us more environmentally friendly and care for God's little creatures. 

Regarding fornication, Fr Alan said the non Christians at that time of the early Church would marry with people of their own sex, or engage in sexual relationships with animals, and they were incestuous.  

Some people think same sex marriage is a creation of the 21st century. However, not so! In another Catholic Bible, fornication is translated as illicit marriages. And as our nation becomes de-Christianized..., we will have to protect Christian marriages, according to Fr Alan.

Fr Alan also said, "Pagan is not a pejorative word." Fr Alan said, "It is better to be a good honest pagan, than be a faked Christian." Faked Christians are those who are half-baked, having a pick and mix attitude towards their Christian faith, taking what they like from Christianity and ignoring the rest.

Almighty God, help us not to destroy life and our environment. Help us to look at the risen Christ, so we can have Jesus' spirit and are able to live a Christian life - respecting all life and our environment, loving mother earth, having clean hands when dealing with money, having moral relationships with others including loving ALL of God's creatures. Amen.