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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Natural Religion

I remember going to see Fr Alan after Holy Mass in the sacristy at St Charles Borromeo and asking him the meaning of natural religion. 

Fr Alan said, "Natural religion is us using God!"

Such a simple answer for such a complicated question.

I was with two brother priests and a sister last night and the two brother priests were telling us about the problem in their parishes of having so many people with natural religion.

I think it is better to have natural religion than to have nothing and there are huge opportunities for these two brother priests to catechise to their parishioners and lead them to true Christian faith.

I am now thinking in what ways am I using God. Do I ever think why has God rejected me forever? We were together last evening praying with Psalm 74 and I wondered if I ever thought of God rejecting me.

You might feel this when God is not doing your will.  Resist this way of thinking and instead think in what way you can do the will of God.

Do remember only those who do the will of Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!

Fr Alan please pray for us!