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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Christ is Kyrios

During the Roman period, Roman citizens would come to the statue of caesar to burn incense and would say Caesar Kyrios. Christians would not do this and were put to death. Why? 

This is because for Christians, Christ is Kyrios. 

Who is your Kyrios? Kyrios is a Greek word which means lord or master.  Who is your lord and master? Your money, your career, your processions, your employer or something else? 

In the primitive Church, the Romans hated Christians because they thought Christians divided families. Fr Alan said Christians did not divide families. Sin divided families.

In Romans 6:16, St Paul has written certain sins lead to death. 

Fr Alan said, "Mortal sin kills."  Fr Alan said Christians did not invent mortal sin. This concept came from the Jewish faith. 

Fr Alan also said there was not much point for people who have mortal sins to receive communion. 

WHY? This is because it is like giving food to a corpse. Fr Alan said, "There are people who do not want to talk about sin and say there is no such thing as mortal sin." Fr Alan said, "Racism is a very serious mortal sin."

Fr Alan said, "When one has mortal sin, one is dead and unable to love." 

So when one is racist, one is unable to love people who are different from us. 

Almighty Father, clean our hearts and drive from it all kinds of fear, including aversion to people who are different from us. Give us your Holy Spirit which helps us to love others, especially those who are different from us. Amen. 

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