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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Where will we be without our sacraments?

Some of the brothers and sisters of my community had a domestic celebration of the Word [Psalm 60] last night and after the celebration of the Word, we had a meal. 

While eating poulet aux olives, I mentioned that our Catholic faith is a sacramental religion and Eugénie reminded us what Fr Alan said. Fr Alan said without the Church and sacraments, we could be anywhere.

What does Fr Alan mean by this? We could be anywhere mean we would be totally lost. The Church is our mother who guides us and feeds us. She feeds us with the sacraments and without the sacraments, we would have sacramental starvation. 

Fr Alan also said the Church is a hospital where the weak and sick comes for healing. We are healed through listening to the Word, receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, receiving the Holy Spirit through the sacraments etc. 

Therefore as Catholics, we cannot become solo Christians, divorce from the Church and think we can walk to Jesus with our mother, the Church and without the sacraments. We also cannot walk to Jesus on our own, without our fellow Christians. We need our fellow brothers and sisters to support us on this journey towards Jesus and the Father. 

May we all arrive safely in heaven. 

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